
Value Creation Model

Value Creation Model

Strive to Deliver a Better QOL to the World and Contribute to Accomplishing a Sustainable Society

The Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Group has established “Delivering a Better QOL to the World” as its Management Philosophy and strives to create value for all stakeholders, including customers and society, through its business activities. To adapt to the recent rapid changes in the external environment and to meet the diversifying needs of our customers, we have established the “Seventh Medium-term Management Policy” and Materiality (priority issues) under our Company Mission “Promoting ‘TE-A-TE’ Culture Worldwide” and have been working on our business activities accordingly. While focusing on ESG and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we will proactively take on the challenge of unprecedented initiatives and realize change, with the aim of increasing corporate value and realizing a sustainable society.