

Action to climate change

At the Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Group, all workers recognize the importance of environmental conservation and address social issues related to the environment. Assessing the environmental impact of the processes of R&D, production, and sales, we strive to reduce such impact in our value chain (e.g. modal shift in product transportation) and help realize a rich global environment. We would like to continue to proceed with our active efforts to prevent global warming by leveraging our products and business operations.

Contribution to Decarbonized Society

By participating in the “Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Associations of Japan: Low Carbon Society Action Plan” for the realization of a decarbonized society, the Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Group reviewed its CO₂ emission reduction target in December 2021 and aims to reduce it by 46% compared to FY2013 by FY2030 (Scopes 1 and 2; target: all bases in Japan) and to achieve Carbon Neutrality by FY2050. In order to ensure consistency with the position of industry associations in our Climate Change Strategy, we participate in government-sponsored seminars on climate change, including those organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of the Environment, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, as well as those organized by industry associations, to gather information and share it with our employees. Furthermore, the contents are checked to ensure that they are in line with the Company's position and approach, and for any discrepancies, the environmental management division of the Company discusses them and then coordinate them through Sustainability Promotion Committee, which is chaired by the Sustainability Promotion officer.Through this process, the Company aligns its Climate Change Strategy with activities carried out by industry associations. Our FY2022 performance was a 30.6% reduction compared to FY2013, and we will continue activities to steadily reduce our environmental impact toward the FY2030 target through further measures and efficient operations.

Disclosure in accordance with the TCFD

TCFD logo

In May 2022, the Company endorsed the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), and based on its Recommendations, the Company conducted a scenario analysis of the items that climate change could bring to the business, identified risks (5 items) and opportunities (3 items), conducted a business impact assessment and disclosed the result thereof, and set goals and measures to assess the identified items in March 2023. Sustainability Promotion Committee took the lead in conducting scenario analysis, as well as in discussing short-, medium-, and long-term business impact (transition risk, physical risk, and financial impact of the opportunities), and policies and strategies for addressing these business impacts. As a result, although there are risks associated with the carbon tax and natural disasters, opportunities were identified in terms of increased demand for environmentally friendly products. So, we will give priority to taking measure for these risks and opportunities.


In recognizing environmental issues, including climate change, as important management issues, we have set “promoting environmental management” as an important materiality point.Basic policies and important matters related to climate change are deliberated by the Sustainability Promotion Committee, which promotes sustainability activities for the entire Group as an advisory body to the Representative Director.Chaired by our officer in charge of promoting sustainability, the Committee consists of Directors, Executive Officers, and General Managers of related departments.

The Sustainability Promotion Committee meets quarterly, in principle, and by regularly reporting the content of its deliberations to the Board of Directors, it ensures that the Board of Directors appropriately supervises climate change initiatives and risk management.

Structure Chart

Structure Chart

Scenario Analysis

Sustainability Promotion Committee took the lead in conducting scenario analysis of risks and opportunities related to climate change, as well as in discussing short-, medium-, and long-term business impact (transition risk, physical risk, and financial impact of the opportunities), and policies and strategies for addressing these business impacts. As a result, although there are risks associated with the carbon tax and natural disasters, opportunities were identified in terms of increased demand for environmentally friendly products.

Strategy (Scenario analysis: Risks)

Risk item Importance Evaluation Target Measure
Business Impact Time Axis
Impact of theintroduction of a carbon tax To reduce CO₂ emissions in Scope 1 and 2 by 46% by FY2030 compared to FY2013 and achieve net zero CO₂ emissions by FY2050, it is necessary to switch to renewable energy sources and renew air conditioning equipment, resulting in an increase in costs. Long term Improvement of
reliance by stable
energy procurement
We will proceed to improve
resilience by working with
multiple businesses in
different industries in order
to achieve emissions by
46% from fiscal 2013 to
fiscal 2030 for Scope 1&2
and the target of virtually
zero emissions by fiscal 2050.
A carbon tax is imposed on the main raw materials (derived from petroleum), resulting in an increase in procurement costs. Long term Curbing procurement
Strengthen supply chain management to control procurement costs.
Impact on raw materials in association with a rise in temperature Raw material prices rise due to restrictions on the amount of paper used, shortage of raw materials, and poor plant growth. Long term Establishment of supply chain that is unaffected by the price of raw materials Stable procurement through cross-divisional communication with an eye to raw material procurement from the R&Dstage.
Natural disasters(Impact on the supply chain) An increase in the number and severity of natural disasters causes damage to suppliers of raw materi als for our main products and disrupts the transpo rtation network. As a result, we are unable to manufacture our main products,leading to a decrease in sales. Medium term Promotion of stable procurement of raw materials Promote stable procurem ent of raw materials by ensuring stock of raw materials and good engagement with suppliers.
Response to decarbonization technology The lack of progress in environmentally friendly product development makes us unable to respond to changes in consumer needs.As a result,our market share declines with a decrease in sales. Medium term Promoting the development of eco-friendly products Promoting the development and introduction of eco-friendly products

※Definition of Time Axis; Short term: ~2025, Medium term:~2030, Long term:~2050

Strategy (Scenario analysis: Opportunities)

Opportunity Item Importance Evaluation Target Measure
Business Impact Time Axis
Expansion of demand for environmentally friendly products The development of new environmentally friendly products increases demand for our products, leading to an increase in sales. Long term Promoting the development of eco-friendly products Promoting the development and introduction of eco-friendly products
Resilience By switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, we can avoid the impact of rising fossil fuel prices on costs. Long term Reducing cost against the increasing fossil fuel price. Promoting the introduction of renewable energy
We can increase our resilience by working to develop energy-saving equipment in cooperation with production equipment manufacturers,
thereby reducing energy costs.
Long term Improvement of effieciency for existing manufacturing facility. Promoting the introduction of energy-saving equipment

※Definition of Time Axis; Short term: ~2025, Medium term:~2030, Long term:~2050

Risk Management

We recognize environmental issues, including climate change, as important management issues, and the Sustainability Promotion Committee examines them in more detail.Specifically, after identifying and evaluating risks and prioritizing them, each department that promotes environmental management incorporates climate change initiatives into action plans, and the Sustainability Promotion Committee monitors the action plans.The impact of identified climate-related issues is reported and proposed by the Sustainability Promotion Committee at a Board of Directors meeting, and the impact of climate-related issues is integrated into the company-wide risk management system.

Indicator and Targets

The Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Group has identified "promoting environmental management" as part of materiality (one of the priority issues) and set "CO₂ emission reduction (Scopes 1 & 2)" as a KPI (key performance indicator) for mitigating risks associated with climate change. To help achieve the targets set by the Japanese government and those set under the Law Carbon Society Action Plan of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Associations of Japan, in which the Group participates, we have set a mid-term target of reducing CO₂ emissions by 46% by FY2030 compared to FY2013, with an eye toward achieving net zero CO₂ emissions by FY2050.

Indicator Targets Results (FY2022)
CO₂ emissions (Scopes 1 & 2) FY2030: Reduce CO₂ emissions by 46%
(compared to FY2013)
FY2050: Achieve net zero CO₂ emissions
Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Group: 34,452 t
Reduced by 17.1% (compared to FY2013)
Hisamitsu Non-consolidated: 22,140 t
Reduced by 30.6% (compared to FY2013)

Changes in CO₂ Emissions

1.Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Group*

The total CO₂ emissions in FY2022 were 34,452 t. For breakdown, 22,140 t for Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical on a non-consolidated basis in Japan, 1,576 t for domestic subsidiaries, and 10,736 t for overseas subsidiaries. Particularly, since the CO₂ emissions of overseas subsidiaries tend to increase as the production volume increases, accounting for 31.2% of the entire Group, we will share and promote CO₂ reduction measures with subsidiaries abroad and in Japan and verify and disclose the results, including reduction outcome.*The Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Group consists of Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical on a non-consolidated basis, two domestic subsidiaries, and four overseas subsidiaries with manufacturing plants, excluding domestic subsidiaries and overseas and sales bases with minimal impact on the calculation of CO₂ emissions.

2.Hisamitsu Non-consolidated (in Japan)

In FY2022, the Kyushu Head Office, including the Tosu Factory, took energy-saving measures (including capital investment), and non-consolidated emissions decreased by 5.6% from the previous fiscal year while new products have been launched and production of existing products have increased. Additionally, by renewing company vehicles from a gasoline car to a HV car, the amount of gasoline used has decreased, leading to a reduction in CO₂ emissions. We will continue our efforts to reduce CO₂ emissions by installing solar panels, shifting to energy-saving equipment for manufacturing and air-conditioning facilities, and introducing renewable energy actively.

CO₂ emissions from Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Group (t)
CO₂ emissions (t-CO₂) of Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical (Non-consolidated) by business site in Japan

CO₂ Emissions in Supply Chain
(Scopes 1, 2, and 3)

Generated throughout the entire process from manufacturing to consumption, including raw material procurement, manufacturing, logistics, sales, and disposal, greenhouse gases are affecting the global environment. To realize a decarbonized society, we believe that it is critical to reduce CO₂ emissions not only at our company but also throughout our entire supply chain. We began to calculate the CO₂ emissions generated throughout our supply chain, in accordance with the guidelines released by the Ministry of the Environment.

CO₂ Emissions throughout Supply Chain

Category FY2022 Emissions Notes
CO₂(t) Percentage
Scope 1 Direct emissions 7,862 6.52% Scope of calculation: Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical on a non-consolidated basis
Scope 2 Indirect emissions 14,278 11.84% Scope of calculation: Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical on a non-consolidated basis
Scope 3 Purchased goods and services 49,823 41.30% Obtained by multiplying the volume of raw materials, etc. purchased in Japan by emission intensity*
Capital goods 11,651 9.66% Obtained by multiplying the capital investment amount in pharmaceutical business by emission intensity*
Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2 4,885 4.05% Obtained by multiplying purchased electricity and other energy by emission intensity*
Transportation, delivery (upstream) 2,234 1.85% Obtained by multiplying the ton-km from a primary raw material manufacturing site to our factory and from our factory to logistics centers, wholesalers, etc. multiplied by emission intensity*
Waste from business 2,433 2.02% Obtained by multiplying the volume of each category of general/industrial waste from our factories and laboratories in Japan by emission intensity*
Business travel 340 0.28% Obtained by multiplying the number of business travel days by emission intensity*
Employee commuting 271 0.22% Obtained by multiplying the amount of paid commuting fees in each transportation category by emission intensity*
Leased assets(upstream)
Transportation and delivery(downstream) 33 0.03% Obtained by calculating the ton-km based on the average delivery distance from a wholesaler and the volume and multiplying this by emission intensity*
Processing of sold products
Use of sold products
End-of-life treatment of sold products 26,818 22.23% Obtained by multiplying the volume of used raw materials by emission intensity*
Leased assets (downstream)
Total 120,628 100.00%

*The values listed in the Database of emission intensity for Calculating Each Organization’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions throughout Its Supply Chain (Ver 3.2), Ministry of the Environment

Reduction in Energy Consumption

The amount of energy used was calculated in accordance with the Energy Saving Act (Act on Rational Uses of Energy, etc.) In FY2022, the overall amount (Hisamitsu Non-consolidated) decreased by 8.1% from the previous fiscal year. We believe this is due to the Kyushu HO’s efforts of setting air conditioning temperatures, managing lighting to save energy, and ensuring efficient operation of manufacturing equipment, and to the shift of the energy source at Tokyo Head Office to renewable energy. We will continue to reduce energy consumption by various measures including the continued promotion of renewable energy use.

Energy consumption (crude oil equivalent) at each business site

CFC Management

Based on the “Act on Rational Use and Appropriate Management of Fluorocarbons” (abbreviated as “CFC Discharge Control Act”), we implement measures such as management of target equipment based on a ledger, simple inspection/periodic inspection, preparation of records, and calculation of leakage amount. At the time of equipment renewal, we are promoting the use of equipment using non-CFC and low global warming potential refrigerants. We will continue to implement measures to prevent leakage and global warming.

Reduction in Energy Use in Transportation

Although most of our products are transported by truck, we are working on a modal shift to reduce environmental impact on major routes with a high volume of transport, which will reduce the impact on the environment. In FY2022, in addition to ship transportation, we incorporated rail transportation for the first time, resulting in a reduction of CO₂ emissions of approximately 422 tons compared to truck transportation alone. We will continue to strive to further reduce CO₂ emissions by actively incorporating ship and rail transportation while working to increase our loading efficiency and leveraging a joint delivery system.

Replacement with Hybrid Vehicles

We are working to reduce the environmental impact of corporate sales vehicles. For sales vehicles, we are gradually replacing our existing vehicles with hybrid models to reduce CO₂ emissions and conserve resources. As of February 2023, 93.5% of our sales vehicles are hybrid models. We plan to replace all of our vehicles with hybrid models by 2025. Moreover, at the Kyushu Head Office, two electric vehicles have been introduced since July 2022.

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Museum

Completed in February 2019, Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Museum (within the Kyushu Head Office) has been certified as a Zero Energy Building (ZEB).* The facility’s energy-saving rate for a year from March 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023, calculated in accordance with the ZEB assessment standards, was 120%, higher than the design value of 103%. We would like to continue to administer the facility in an energy-saving manner.
*Zero Energy Building (ZEB): Highest rank in the Building Energy-Efficiency Labeling System

Energy Consumtion at Overseas Factories

As the COVID-19 pandemic continued in FY2022, the use of energy increased due to increased production at Hisamitsu Vietnam and Hisamitsu Indonesia from FY2021, although production volume did not reach pre-COVID-19 levels. Since the use of energy, such as electricity and fuel, increases or decreases according to the production volume, we will work to introduce energy-saving technology and further improve production efficiency in order to reduce the use of energy.

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Noven Electricity
11,152 10,709 10,302
349,987 110,805 114,403
Light oil
1.2 0.0 0.0
Hisamitsu Vietnam Electricity
3,323 2,386 3,773
58,410 30,893 48,797
Light oil
4.4 2.1 2.7
Hisamitsu Indonesia Electricity
2,331 2,357 3,274
Light oil
120.0 112.0 256.0
Hisamitsu Brazil Electricity
2,645 2,544 2,489
20,700 6,186 4,156
Light oil
54.9 49.8 36.0