

Reduction in Environmental Impact

We believe that we have a great corporate responsibility to reduce the environmental impact generated through business operations by addressing problems such as the various emissions from production activities and waste from products after use. We will, of course, continue to comply with environment-related laws and regulations, and at the same time, strive to accomplish voluntary targets by making efforts to use resources appropriately and conserve the natural environment.

Environmental Accounting

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical compiles environmental accounting in reference to the Ministry of the Environment's “Environmental Accounting Guidelines” in order to quantitatively understand the investments and expenses related to environmental measures and their impact. In FY2022, as with the previous year, for the purpose of preventing global warming and saving energy by reducing CO₂ emissions, capital investments were made in “new installation of solar panels,” “replacement of absorption refrigerators,” and “use of boiler fuel for city gas,” and promoted “power saving by improving production operation ratio.” Furthermore, we are increasing items with the smaller size of medicine bags, cases, and cardboard boxes for our products (Eco & Compact) and actively promoting the efficient use of resources.In addition, costs have been separated by “Facilities” and “Expenses” from FY2021 to clarify the amount of investments for the fiscal year.

Environmental Conservation Cost(Thousands of yen)

Category FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Facilities Expenses Total Facilities Expenses Total
Pollution prevention 36,342 1,330 26,992 28,322 0 33,164 33,164
Global environmental protection 65,899 102,929 68,127 171,056 307,300 98,274 405,574
Resource recycling 430,151 190,800 150,744 341,544 273,708 155,529 429,237
Upstream/Downstream 11,409 0 15,185 15,185 0 16,359 16,359
Management activities 63,573 0 67,912 67,912 0 68,214 68,214
Social activities 7,446 0 7,914 7,914 0 5,914 5,914
Environmental damage response 547 0 523 523 0 488 488
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 615,367 295,059 337,397 632,456 581,008 377,942 958,950

Scope: Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical on a non-consolidated basis

Environmental Conservation Effect

Category Unit Environmental impact volume Increase/decrease in environmental impact volume
(vs. FY2020)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Energy consumption
(crude oil equivalent)
kL 11,769 12,153 11,170 100% 103% 95%
CO₂ emissions t 21,905 22,785 22,140 100% 104% 101%
SOx emissions t 0.7 0.9 0.7 100% 129% 100%
NOx emissions t 2.9 2.8 1.8 100% 97% 62%
Water consumption 1,000㎥ 167 177 174 100% 106% 104%
Wastewater discharge 1,000㎥ 86 93 87 100% 108% 101%
BOD emissions t 10.3 8.5 8.6 100% 83% 83%
Waste emissions t 3,206 3,607 3,722 100% 113% 116%

Scope: Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical on a non-consolidated basis

Conservation of Water Resources

Water resources are essential to business operations. We believe that it is integral to use finite water resources more effectively and reduce environmental impact. We conserve water resources by properly managing both water use volume and water discharge volume.
In FY2022, we continuously improved the use of circulating cooling water for production facilities and the cooling method of air conditioning equipment according to the season. As a result, our water consumption decreased by 1.5% year on year, and water discharge volume declined as well. Further reduction measures (capital investment and operation) will be promoted in the future. In addition, when discharging wastewater, we have established voluntary standards that are stricter than the water quality standards set by the national and local governments, and the water quality is checked before discharging wastewater. We always monitor COD*1 and pH*2 values to prevent harmful substances from resulting in negative effects.
*1 COD (chemical oxygen demand):
Amount of necessary oxygen when organics in water are oxidized by an oxidizing agent

*2 pH (hydrogen ion concentration):
Representing water acidity, neutrality, and alkalinity

*3 BOD (biological oxygen demand):
Value representing the amount of oxygen consumed when organics are decomposed by microorganisms in water

*4 SS (suspended solids):
Volume of solid particles whose diameter is 2 mm or under that remain in suspension in water

Water consumption and drainage volumes
Water pollutant control (BOD and SS)

Management of Air Pollutants

SOx (sulfur oxide) and NOx (nitrogen oxide), which are emitted when boilers and private power generators are turned on, cause air pollution. The Company has made capital investments for the purpose of reducing these pollutants and has successively changed its fuel from heavy oil to city gas. We comply with our self-regulations, which are stricter than the standards stipulated under the Air Pollution Control Act, and confirm that our emissions of SOx and NOx are below the levels set in the regulations.
*SOx and NOx values are totals for the Kyushu Head Office, Utsunomiya Factory, and Tsukuba Laboratories, which have large environmental impacts.

Control of air pollutants (SOx and NOx)

Management of Specified Chemical Substances

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical manages chemical substances properly in compliance with the PRTR Act*1. There are two chemical substances that we must report to the authorities: toluene and acetonitrile. In FY2022, we handled 3.7 t of toluene and 3.3 t of acetonitrile. We will continue to strive for appropriate use and management (storage and disposal*2) to reduce environmental impact.
Acetonitrile is used in the analysis of raw materials and products. In FY2022, we partially switched to a new analytical method that does not use acetonitrile, and successfully reduced the amount used. We will continue discussions for further reduction.
*1 PRTR Act: A law that requires the release amounts of certain chemical substances into the environment to be monitored and reported to the government
*2 Waste disposal:
・Waste liquid treatment
After use, the waste liquid is entrusted to a waste disposal contractor for proper disposal.
・Combustion treatment
Some manufacturing processes generate gases containing toluene. The gas is cooled and not collected as liquid waste but combusted using a gas combustion system (oxidative decomposition method).

Handling Volume of PRTR Substances( t )

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Toluene Handling volume 3.4 3.3 3.7
Emission into the air 0.2 0.2 0.2
Waste disposal Waste liquid treatment 0.1 0.1 0.1
Combustion treatment 3.1 3.0 3.4
Acetonitrile Handling volume 3.8 4.3 3.3
Emission into the air 0 0 0
Waste disposal Waste liquid treatment 3.8 4.3 3.3
Combustion treatment 0 0 0


Production waste generated in the manufacturing process is used in thermal recycling as a heat source for a cement factory and other facilities. Ash generated after incineration is used as a resource to be mixed with cement and other materials, leading to a FY2022 recycling rate of 99.8%. Moreover, transportation materials after use are separated and collected by category and recycled as a raw material for recycled paper and as a cushioning material.

In-house Efforts to Go Paperless

In order to reduce environmental impact, we are trying to minimize the use of paper and making company-wide efforts to go paperless through IT (digitization) across the company. As a result, we reduced the use of paper in FY2022 by approximately 31% from FY2019 in terms of cost, and by approximately 24% in terms of the number of sheets.
We will continue our efforts to go paperless.

Emergency Drill

Simulating emergency situations, such as equipment damage and malfunction, operational errrors, and natural disasters, including earthquakes, typhoons, lightning, and flooding, we assess the types, scopes, and the severity levels of the impact that such emergencies are expected to have on the environment. Based on the assessment results, we formulate an action plan for contingencies to be handled with high priority and conduct emergency drills at least once a year. This enables us to prepare for minimizing the impact on the environment and our neighborhood.
By confirming through such drills how to respond in the initial phase and how to prevent the spread of damage, we are striving to improve our emergency response capability.

Checking a hydrogen gas leakage detector

Checking a hydrogen gas leakage detector

List of Simulated Emergencies

Simulated emergencies Equipment Departments
Fuel leakage Boiler Tosu Factory SAGA Global Research Center
Private power generator Tosu Factory SAGA Global Research Center
Hazardous substance leakage Indoor facility or
room for storing hazardous substances
Tosu & Utsunomiya Factories SAGA Global Research Center
Outdoor hazardous substance storage tank Tosu & Utsunomiya Factories
Hydrogen gas leakage Hydrogen gas cylinder and piping Quality Management Department SAGA Global Research Center
Abnormal exhaust smoke Boiler Tosu Factory SAGA Global Research Center
Private power generator Tosu Factory SAGA Global Research Center
Liquid waste leakage Waste storage area Tosu & Utsunomiya Factories SAGA Global Research Center
Factory effluent leakage Factory effluent tank Tosu & Utsunomiya Factories
Laboratory effluent leakage Laboratory effluent tank SAGA Global Research Center
General effluent leakage General effluent tank Tosu & Utsunomiya Factories

Internal Communication

Commitments to Raising Employees’ Environmental Awareness

At Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical, we are raising the environmental awareness of employees, especially at the Kyushu Head Office and the Utsunomiya Factory, whose operations have a large environmental impact.While requiring the office and the factory to incorporate environmental training as part of their ISO14001 environmental targets, we also provide a wide variety of environmental training for our overseas business bases. In addition, we share environmental information through our inhouse website at appropriate timing so that the employees of our group companies worldwide will become more aware of environmental issues.

Commitment to Biodiversity

We believe that the conservation of biodiversity and the use of ecosystem services are essential for our business operations.We are helping to conserve long-tail irises, designated as a 1A threatened species. Since 2015, we have been managing and nurturing this species’ seedlings from Kuboizumi-machi, Saga Prefecture on the premises of the Kyushu Head Office.

Environmental Impact Reduction at Overseas Factories

At our overseas factories, various measures are taken to reduce the use of water and the generation of waste as in the case of our domestic factories. They are working toward reducing environmental impact by raising the awareness of each of their employees of such impact.

Overseas factories FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Noven Water consumption(㎥) 17,874 17,293 22,240
Total waste
generated (t)
319 287 399
Hisamitsu Vietnam Water consumption(㎥) 47,053 33,255 50,519
Total waste
generated (t)
329 247 363
Hisamitsu Indonesia Water consumption(㎥) 11,710 11,610 17,051
Total waste
generated (t)
59 135 444
Hisamitsu Brazil Water consumption(㎥) 13,920 18,087 9,067
Total waste
generated (t)
661 613 638
Total Water consumption(㎥) 90,557 80,245 98,877
Total waste
generated (t)
1,368 1,282 1,844

*Aggregation period: From January to December of each fiscal year

Environmental Commitments at Overseas Factories

Efforts at Overseas Subsidiaries

  - Noven is continuing its activities under the principles of sustainable improvement, target achievement, and uncompromised growth, while organizing green-activity teams for the purpose of efficient energy use and waste management for resource conservation.
  - Hisamitsu Vietnam is continuing to reduce electricity consumption by regularly applying thermal barrier coatings to factory roofs to reduce air conditioning loads through the suppression of roof temperatures. It is also reducing plastic waste by collaborating with manufacturers to reuse plastic containers for sewage treatment chemicals that were previously discarded, in an effort to reduce its environmental impact.
  - Hisamitsu Indonesia is continuing to reduce waste by decreasing the size of the inner bag, case, and cardboard of ByeBye-FEVER made by Hisamitsu Indonesia, which was launched in February 2022, and by eliminating the package insert for Salonpas GEL, Salonpas Cream, and Salonpas Cream HOT, which began to be shipped in October 2022.
  - Hisamitsu Brazil is continuing its activities with an awareness of reducing environmental impact in collaboration with companies expanding into Japan that are members of the Japanese-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Amazonas in Manaus.