

Human Rights

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Group Human Rights Policy

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical established the Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Human Rights Policy in March 2018, based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and revised it to the Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Group Human Rights Policy in June 2024.

The corporate philosophy of the Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Group (“the Hisamitsu Group”) is “Delivering a Better QOL to the World” through the creation, development, manufacturing, and sales of pharmaceuticals and other products. The Hisamitsu Group has also established its company mission as “Promoting ‘TE-A-TE’ Culture Worldwide.” Based on this philosophy and mission, the Hisamitsu Group will actively expand its activities to spread the “TE-A-TE” Culture of compassion for people all over the world through not only transdermal patches but also various other products and services.

Respecting the human rights of people associated with the Hisamitsu Group’s business activities is consistent with the corporate philosophy and is an important endeavor of the Hisamitsu Group. The Group is fully committed to contributing to the development of a sustainable society by continuously conducting management and business activities based upon the respect for human rights.

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Human Rights Policy

Compliance with UK Modern Slavery Act

Statement on the UK Modern Slavery Act is available on our website.
Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical is committed to respecting internationally recognized human rights, including the prevention of slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain.

UK Modern Slavery Act Statement

Sustainability Procurement

From FY2021, we conduct the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) every year with our primary and secondary suppliers of our products manufactured at factories in Japan to confirm the current status and assess risks with regard to human rights and labor, safety and health, environment, and compliance. In FY2022, we also started SAQ for primary and secondary suppliers of products manufactured at the factory in Hisamitsu Indonesia. In the future, we plan to assess the human rights risks of suppliers at other overseas subsidiaries as well.

Sustainable Procurement Guidelines

Halal Certified

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical operates businesses in Indonesia, Malaysia, and other countries and regions where many Muslims live. To ensure that Muslims can use our products with peace of mind, we have established a Halal team within the Company and are promoting the creation of products that consider religion and the lifestyle of each country and region.
*Halal: What is legal under Islamic law

Launched on January 14, 2022, Indonesia
Launched on January 14, 2022, Indonesia